
Repertoire List

By Birdie Carter
Saxophone with Wind Ensemble:
Claude T. Smith (alto)
Remembrances: 3 Songs of the Civil War- David Whitwell (alto)
Duo 2001 (In Memoriam 9/11)- Walter S. Hartley
(2 altos, also features your ensemble's alto player)
Rhapsody- Mark Watters (baritone)
Concertino in C - Antonia Vivaldi (soprano and Soprillo)
Flight of the Bumblebee - Rimsky-Korsakov (bass)
3 Episodes
- Barton Cummings (Contrabass)
You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch- arr. W. Clifton Baxter (contrabass)
Tarantella - Harold Walters (tenor)
Rubenola - Rudy Wiedoeft (C-melody)
Concertino - Russell Peterson (mezzo-soprano)
Concertino No. 2- Walter S. Hartley (bass)
Flight of the Bumblebee- Rimsky-Korsakov (bass)
Bell and Howl: "Jack"- W. Clifton Baxter (sopranino)
and more
Saxophone with Chamber Orchestra:
Claude Debussy (alto)
Air and Scherzo- Henry Cowell (alto)
Concerto - Alexandre Glazunov (alto)
Fantasia- Heitor Villa-Lobos (tenor or soprano)
Rhapsody- Mark Watters (baritone)
Unmassig/Ubermasssig- Leo Bachmann (contrabass)
Concerto Grosso- Franco Tosi (contrabass)
and many more
Solo Concert:
Programs available with and without piano.
Includes compositions for 6 sizes of clarinet,
12 sizes of saxophone, and other woodwinds by
J.S. Bach
Ludwig van Beethoven
Leonard Bernstein
Johannes Brahms
Keith Ramon Cole
Arcangelo Corelli
Edison Denisov
Alfred Desenclos
Pierre Max Dubois
Edward Elgar
Percy Grainger
Walter S. Hartley
Jaques Ibert
Sylvain Kassap
Vittorio Monti
W. A. Mozart
Michael Nyman
Niccolo Paganini
Francis Poulenc
Sergei Rachmaninoff
Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov
Camille Saint-Saens
Jean-Baptiste Singlée
Ivan Shekov
Claude T. Smith
Alexandre Tansman
Fisher Tull
Ralph Vaughn Williams
Heitor Villa-Lobos
Antonio Vivaldi
George Phillip Telemann
Mark Watters
Rudy Weidoft
Carl Anton Wirth
and many more
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material © Jay Easton unless otherwise noted