
In Action: Photos and Sound Clips

Jay as soloist with Wind Ensembles
(with sound clip)

Having a great time with Spectrum Quartet
(with sound clips)

A typical JCE solo recital

The CrossWinds Duo
(with sound clip)

The San Diego Saxophone Orchestra
(with sound clips)

The historic tribute concerts to Walter S. Hartley

Jay in the pit for the San Diego Comic Opera

In Helsinki, Finland, during a newspaper photo session

Guest performing with Return to One

Playing bassoon with the Skeleton Key Orchestra

In West Side Story the 4th reed player is required to play piccolo,
flute, clarinet, bass clarinet, soprano sax, and bass sax!

On-stage with Bb Bass sax and F Mezzo-soprano sax....
(with sound clip)
Montréal and Minneapolis for the World Saxophone Congress

Q: What's a saxophonist doing in ancient Irish garb?

On-stage for a performance of the Telemann F minor bassoon sonata
material © Jay Easton 2001-2006 unless otherwise noted